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Basic subscription

A basic subscription stream that is going to deserialize message data as integers can be defined as follows:

import com.anymindgroup.pubsub.*, zio.*,

val subStream: ZStream[Subscriber, Throwable, (ReceivedMessage[Int], AckReply)] =
Subscriber.subscribe(subscriptionName = "basic_example", des =

In the next step one can define a function that is going to process a message and reply depending on the result:

import zio.Console.*, zio.ZIO.*

// ack on successful process
// nack and log the error cause on failures
def process(message: ReceivedMessage[Int], reply: AckReply) =
printLine(s"Processing of $message that can fail...").exit.flatMap {
case Exit.Success(_) => reply.ack()
case Exit.Failure(cause) => reply.nack() *> logErrorCause("Failure log", cause)

Processing can be controlled according to the needs.
E.g. to process all messages in sequence:

val processStream = subStream.mapZIO(process)

Process up to 16 messages concurrently:

val processStream = subStream.mapZIOPar(16)(process)

Group by ordering key (if present) and process the groups in parallel while items with same ordering key are processed sequentially:

val processStream = subStream.groupByKey((m, _) => m.orderingKey.getOrElse(m.messageId).hashCode()) {
(_, groupStream) => groupStream.mapZIO(process)

Putting it all together for exection by providing the Subscriber implementation:

object MyProcess extends ZIOAppDefault:
// execute by providing the subscriber implementation layer
def run = processStream.runDrain.provide(subscriberLayer)

// subscriber implementation layer using StreamingPull API via Google's Java library
val subscriberLayer: TaskLayer[Subscriber] = {
import as G

connection = G.PubsubConnectionConfig.Cloud(

Subscription with custom deserializer

A subscription with a custom deserializer can be defined as follows:

import com.anymindgroup.pubsub.*, zio.*,

// deserialize an array of bytes to an UTF8 string
// the output type of the deserializer is also represented by the type: Deserializer[?, String]
val utf8StringDes: Deserializer[Any, String] = (message: ReceivedMessage[Array[Byte]]) =>
ZIO.attempt(String(, java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8))

// deserializer output will be reflected in the message type that is emitted by the stream: ReceivedMessage[String]
val subStream: ZStream[Subscriber, Throwable, (ReceivedMessage[String], AckReply)] =
Subscriber.subscribe(subscriptionName = "basic_example", des = utf8StringDes)

For custom data types see the Serializer/Deserializer for custom data types section.

Subscription without deserializer

It's also possible to create a stream without a deserializer which is going to emit ReceivedMessage[Array[Byte]] containing data as array of bytes.

import com.anymindgroup.pubsub.*,

val subStream: ZStream[Subscriber, Throwable, (ReceivedMessage[Array[Byte]], AckReply)] =
Subscriber.subscribeRaw(subscriptionName = "basic_example")

Handling deserialization errors

See section handling deserialization errors.